Milano - North Cape - Milano
I keep a lot of good memories about this trip; it was my first travel abroad and I consider it as one of my favorites. We travelled by car from Milan to the northernmost point of Europe - through Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and Norway - for a 25 days trip. Reaching North Cape under the soft light of midnight sun it has been a real pleasure and the gorgeous landscapes crossed were absolutely astonishing... We passed through great vast forests, islands, mountain passes, deserted tundra, incredible fjord
s and romantic wooden villages. Weather was obviously windy and frozen and we used to sleep in camping sites with bungalows. The weather situation was quite hard but the beauty of that nature worth definitely a visit!!! Big empty spaces rule in Norway even if that doesn't mean is a boring place, it offers many different sceneries and I consider it - together with Iceland - one of the most impressive and unforgettable country of Europe. On the road back to Milan, in fact, we visited mainly Norway: from the cold Varanger peninsula situated on the Barent Sea, in the northern side of the country near the Russian border, to the wonderful Lofoten islands up to the Arctic Circle, from the historical city of Bergen to the capital Oslo... Lapland is a
deserted area and it was incredible to drive for hours through the bare tundra without passing each other cars, just with the companionship of thousand reindeers! And when the travel was over I immediately missed greatly the smoked fish fragrance found everywhere there, the explosion of colors in the sky at sunset or the fresh wind disarranging my hairs... while the car was charged for more than 14000 kilometres...
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